Featured Grants

Picture of a potato being sliced

USDA HSI Education Grant


PI: Jaime Chahin

Purpose: The grant aims to: Strengthen institutional educational capacities to recruit, retain, and support the needs of graduate students from underrepresented populations and enhance the quality of postsecondary instruction with the food and agricultural sciences disciplines; facilitate cooperative initiatives between Texas State, AAHHE, USDA and related agencies to support activities that strengthen the graduate fellows' capacity to serve as a role model and provide opportunities and access to food, agricultural, and natural resources and human sciences careers in the public and private sector; and strengthen the underrepresented students' education through field trips, faculty mentors, leadership development training topics, internships and align the efforts of HSIs and other non-profit organizations in support of the academic development of underrepresented groups. The disciplines and subject matter area activities supported by the USDA on which Texas State will focus listed in the order of priority:
(1) animal health, production, and well-being;
(2) plant health and production;
(3) animal and plant germ plasma collection and preservation;
(4) aquaculture.
(5) food safety;
(6) soil and water conservation and improvement;
(7) forestry, horticulture, and range management;
(8) nutritional sciences and promotion;
(9) farm enhancement, including financial management, input efficiency, and profitability;
(10) rural human ecology;
(11) expansion of domestic and international markets for agricultural commodities and products, including agricultural trade barrier identification and analysis;
(12) information management and technology transfer related to agriculture;
(13) biotechnology related to agriculture;
(14) the processing, distributing, marketing, and utilization of food and agricultural products);
Purpose: CAMINOS Project is designed to address significant underrepresentation of Hispanics in Federal Government.

Caminos Fellows announcement